What types of batteries can we recycle?
What types of batteries can we recycle?
What types of batteries can we recycle? Today, lithium-ion battery technology is used in many electrical and electronic devices. These batteries are used from mobile phones to electric bicycles, from drones to electric cars. In addition, they are highly preferred in the production line because they are refillable. Although they are refillable, they have a certain lifespan. The way it is used and the level of heat it is exposed to affect this life in small proportions. They eventually become unusable and cannot be refilled efficiently.
After the batteries are collected, they are separated according to their types. The most preferred type of battery in recent years is lithium-ion batteries due to its rechargeable feature. Li-on batteries will be at the forefront in recycling, as they are in every field from industry to technology, from automobiles to small household appliances. Since the demand in production is for these batteries, waste will also consist of these batteries. Recycling facilities will mostly be established in the area of li-on batteries.
Li-on batteries should be collected and stored without mixing with other garbage. Of course, storage requires a certain cost. In this case, the best way would be to recycle these batteries and bring them into the economy.
The Raw Materials of Li-ion Batteries
The raw materials of Li-ion batteries are lithium, cobalt, manganese, nickel, and carbon in the form of graphite, as well as copper, aluminum and some polymers. With the increasing demand for these batteries, the price of the raw materials of mines and metals is also increasing. In addition, only the extraction of minerals cannot respond to the increasing demand. In this case, their recycling is inevitable.
BATTE⚡RE firm PROSES MAKINA establishes turnkey facilities on the recycling of li-on batteries with its experience. Many countries provide support and incentives for all these facilities. In addition, many car companies give purchase guarantees for metals to these recycling facilities.
Therefore, if you want to establish a conversion facility, you can contact us immediately.